The Map
Mapping the Childhood
The Map
The 3,059 students identified (of whom 2,647 were under the age of 18 in 1943) are depicted on a modern map of Thessaloniki. In order to identify a specific student, users can employ the SEARCH FILTERS and enter a NAME, SURNAME, FATHER’S NAME, FATHER’S OCCUPATION, MOTHER’S NAME.
In order to identify a category of students sharing characteristics, users may also select:
SCHOOL (to find students enrolled at a specific school).
ACADEMIC YEAR (to find students enrolled during a specific academic year).
GRADE (to find students enrolled in a specific class, depending on the SCHOOL or the ACADEMIC YEAR).
YEAR OF BIRTH (to find students born during a specific year).
PLACE OF BIRTH (to find the 2,583 born in Thessaloniki and the city of birth of the remaining 476).
ADDRESS (to find those residing on a specific street, as approximately as possible on the modern map. Many streets have been renamed, others have been expanded and others abolished).
FATHER’S NAME (to find the parents’ occupations, as recorded in school records).
Finally, by selected PHOTOGRAPH, users can find those whose photographs have been preserved.
Users can also choose whether or not to view schools, students and student density in an area of the map by choosing whether or not to mark the option available (all are pre-selected by default).